Franz Xaver Gerl
vocal score
The Golden Calf
fear of god

Magic 5

Part of our MAGIC FIVE

in fact there are FIVE Operas around the ONE famous opera Magic Flute!

We present each one on a single page (click!)

connecting aspects on ONE meta-web-site:

The Pyramids of Babylon

Johann Mederitsch – Wikipedia composed the 1st Act

Peter von Winter composed the 2nd Act

There was a “competition of theatres” in Vienna between Schikaneder and Marinelli, so Schikaneder threw out many operas which were composed in cooperation with other composers to speed the process. Thus the two acts of this opera Z4 were done by two different composers.
In Z0 there were even more composers among which Mozart was found!

The intention in this opera was also to follow the success of Mozart´s Magic Flute.

Schikaneder choosed Johann Mederitsch, called Gallus (Act 1) and Peter von Winter (Act 2) 1797 with his first sequence for the market: Die Pyramiden von Babylon. [The pyramids of Babylon]


Was es hiermit weiter auf sich hat, habe ich noch nicht weiter verfolgen können. Es muß sich dabei, wie bei der Vorlage zur 1791er Zauberflöte (Der Stein der Weisen) um ein Potpourri-Werk handeln, wie es Schikaneder oftmals mit großem Aufwand zu produzieren pflegte.

First performance 25. Oktober 1797 Freihaustheater auf der Wieden Wien.

Aufführungen im Ständetheater von Prag 1815-06-23 und 1815-06-27

Hamburg : Gedruckt bey Johann Gottfried Müller, 1807.

IMSLP Klavierauszüge